
Showing posts with the label Machinist Tips

December 2021 Tip: Degree Formulas Chart

The first December tip for 2021 is a free download for a Degree Formulas chart. The chart shows you the simple equations to convert minutes of a degree as well as minutes and seconds to a decimal. It then shows you the equation to convert decimal degrees to minutes as well as minutes and seconds. If you have problems downloading the file, please contact me , and I will be happy to email the file to you.  You can keep this in the top of your toolbox, in your wallet, or just snap a picture and keep it on your phone for quick reference. This is one of the machinist tools you should keep close at hand. Thanks for visiting . Degree Formulas Chart  

November 2021 Tip: Decimal Equivalent Chart for Drill And Tap Sizes

Download this PDF of a Decimal Equivalent Chart  to your iPhone or print it out and put it in your toolbox to be able to quickly find the decimal equivalent of common drill and tap millimeter sizes. Decimal sizes range from .0059 - .0980. Contact me if you prefer that I email this chart to you. This is a highly recommended tool for any machinist to keep nearby. Decimal Equivalent Chart for Drill and Tap Sizes

August 2021 Tip: Internal/External Thread Chart and Thread Calculations

Download your PDF and Excel copies of this thread data today! The files you are downloading include an Internal/External Thread Chart in Excel format and a Thread Calculations form in PDF format. If you have trouble downloading these files, feel free to contact me , and I will be very happy to email these two files to you. Thanks for visiting today. Read more about why we provide these helpful tips each month. 

July 2021 Tip: Coordinate Constants from Center

Coordinate Constants from Center: These are used for establishing coordinate hole locations from the center location of a bolt circle with equally spaced holes. The holes can be aligned to a reference point on a center-line or equally spaced on both sides of the centerline. To use these values, first, select the required number of holes for the bolt circle and choose the appropriate type of coordinate reference location (either on the centerline or between the holes). Then, multiply the diameter of the bolt circle by the constant values shown in the chart. (Be careful to notice the plus (+) and minus (-) value for each constant). The resulting answers represent the coordinate locations and directions of the holes from the "X" and "Y" center reference points for the specified diameter of the bolt circle. Download the full PDF, which includes coordinate constants from center for 3 to 12 holes. Contact me if you would like for me to email the full PDF to you instead....

July 2021 Tip: Area & Measurement of Plane Geometric Figures

Area & Measurement of Plane Geometric Figures: You can download these handy formulas for Plane Geometric Figures . Covered are Circles, Ellipse & Parabolas, Cylinders, Spheres, Squares, Rectangles, Triangles, Parallelograms, Trapezoids, Trapeziums, Hexagons, Octagons, and Regular Polygons. You may also  contact me if you want me to email the full PDF to you that includes all of these formulas.  Sample: Hexagon and Octagon formula Thanks for visiting today. Learn why we list new tips every month. 

June 2021 Tip: Tapers

TAPERS: Machinists often turn, plane, bore, and grind tapers on a variety of parts, therefore, it is important to be familiar with the common standard tapers—American National Standard, Brown and Sharpe, Morse, and milling-machine arbor and spindle. How to determine the taper per inch or percentage of taper from a sample piece of work is a common problem. A study of the data and the rules in this section will help you handle taper problems. Taper Calculations: A cylindrical taper is a piece of material that decreases in diameter in a cone shape. Proportions for tapers are often expressed as Taper per Foot (TPF), or Taper per Inch (TPI). Taper calculations are most often expressed in terms of the difference in diameter at the opposite ends of the taper and the length of the taper center axis. Contact me if you would like for me to email the full PDF with all of the taper calculations to you. You may also download the Tapers PDF. Thanks for visiting www. today. The m...

June 2021 Tip: Coordinate Constants from Outside

Coordinate Constants from Outside: These are used for establishing coordinate hole locations from the outside of a bolt circle with equally spaced holes. The holes can be aligned to a reference point on a centerline or equally spaced on both sides of the centerline. To use these values, first, select the required number of holes for the bolt circle.  Next, choose the appropriate type of coordinate reference location (either on the centerline or between the holes).  Then, multiply the diameter of the bolt circle by the constant value shown in the chart.  The resulting answers represent the coordinate locations of the holes from the "X" and "Y" reference edges for the specified diameter of the bolt circle. The full PDF  can be downloaded and includes coordinate constants for 3 to 12 holes. Contact me if you prefer that I email this to you instead. Sample: Coordinate constants from outside for 4 holes Thanks for visiting  today. These t...

May 2021Tip: Find the Distance Across Corners of Hexagons, Squares, and Octagons

These charts have pre-determined sizes and also the formulas to find the Distance Across Corners of Hexagons and Squares . Although Octagons are not included in this PDF, I have listed the formula below for that as well. Download at the hyperlink above or  Contact me to receive the full PDF. It's free! Sample of PDF you will receive Hexagon:  D = Distance across Corners d = Size of Hexagon Formula: D = 1.1547d Square: E = Distance across Corners d = Square Size Formula: E = 1.4142d Octagon: O = Distance across Corners d = Size of Octagon Formula: O = 1.082d Thanks for visiting  today. I'm pleased to provide one or two new helpful tips for you each month.

May 2021Tip: Drill Bit Guide

  Image courtesy of Click on the picture to see the quick reference guide. Visit to know how to choose the right drill bit for your next project. Thanks for visiting today. These  machinist tips I provide each month are great to keep in your toolbox or to pull up on your phone for quick, helpful information.

April 2021 Tip: Formulas for Circles and Spheres

This is a quick two-page download that contains Formulas for Circles and Spheres . It contains 14 formulas for Circles and Spheres and is good to have in any Notebook for quick reference. Formulas include how to find the circumference of a circle, how to find the diameter of a circle, how to find the area of a circle, how to find the surface of a ball (sphere), how to find the cubic inches (volume) of a ball, and more! Properties of a Circle image is also included in the PDF file. I have provided a sample image below of the first two formulas that are included in the PDF. Contact me if you would like me to email the full PDF file to you. Sample image of the PDF file you will receive Please check back frequently for more machinist tips on . Some of the best tools of this trade are the charts that you keep nearby. 

April 2021 Tip: Decimal Equivalents

This is just a quick PDF on Decimal Equivalents. A sample image of the Table of Decimal Equivalents of 8ths, 16ths, 32nds, and 64ths of an Inch is shown below.  This PDF is easy to download and print, making it easy for you to put it at your machine so you don't risk losing the good plastic ones! Contact me if you would like me to email the full PDF file to you. a small sample of the PDF you will receive Thanks for visiting  today. Keep this chart nearby to find powerful decimal equivalents.

February 2021 Tip: Drill Tip Length Calculator

  This is a Drill Tip Length Calculator used to calculate from the tip to the OD of the drill of  60, 82, 90, 118, 120, 135 degree drill tips.  Just enter the angle and the drill diameter, and the length will automatically be calculated in the tip length cell. If you have Excel on your iPhone, this will work. No need to buy my Drill Point Program. You may download the Drill Point Program . Or  contact me if you would like this free Excel sheet to be sent to you.    Thanks for visiting  today. I hope you enjoy this and all future machinist tips I'll be offering frequently on this site.

February 2021 Tip: GD&T Symbol References

 Download the PDF or Excel copy of these GD&T symbols, or you may  contact me  and I will be happy to email these to you. These can easily be printed and taped inside your toolbox for quick reference. Thanks for visiting  today. I hope this sheet of symbols will be helpful to you.