April 2021 Tip: Formulas for Circles and Spheres

This is a quick two-page download that contains Formulas for Circles and Spheres. It contains 14 formulas for Circles and Spheres and is good to have in any Notebook for quick reference. Formulas include how to find the circumference of a circle, how to find the diameter of a circle, how to find the area of a circle, how to find the surface of a ball (sphere), how to find the cubic inches (volume) of a ball, and more!

Properties of a Circle image is also included in the PDF file.

I have provided a sample image below of the first two formulas that are included in the PDF. Contact me if you would like me to email the full PDF file to you.

Formulas for Circles and Spheres
Sample image of the PDF file you will receive

Please check back frequently for more machinist tips on www.MachinistKalc.com. Some of the best tools of this trade are the charts that you keep nearby. 


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